Vær venligst opmærksom på, at katana kræver samler- eller våbentilladelse.
For at købe katana hos Aalborg BudoShop, skal vi se din
samler- eller våbentilladelse.
Samler- eller våbentilladelse kan søges om via politi.dk eller borger.dk
OBS: For at se Katana i Butikken, skal der aftales tid, idet vi ikke opbevare våben der kræver tilladelse i butikken.
total length 101 cm, weight 1100 g without sheath
weight: approx. 1.2 kg
Our blacksmith called this sword as a “Half-Handmade”. This means that the forged blade is ground carefully sharp carbon steel on modern machines. The blade surface is polished by hand and has a fine structure. The back of the blade with 7 mm thickness corresponds to old originals. The Rockwell hardness of the blade is about 50 degrees. The sword has a very handy and long handle, which is made of wood, as well as the traditional applied by hand winding. A strong and on both sides elaborately decorated tsuba and scabbard paint from wood (high gloss finishes) complete this sword. The sword is not suitable for cutting tests. The blade is ground, suitable for Kata exercis
Total længde med saya: cm.
Total længde uden saya: cm
Klingens længde: 70 cm.
Klinge type:
Vægt: Med saya: Uden saya:
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